Friday, 23 November 2012

This week's doodle - 'The Queen of the Connaught' - maybe just a wiff of the Pre-Raphaelite there. Been looking at too many of Dulac's 'women in bushes'..!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

It's page three and things are coming along apace... just need to maintain some momentum!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Work in progress 4

Mash it all up in Photoshop. This is kind of a cobble-up but the idea is there and needs some finessing. Let's see...

Work in progress 3

Get together some kind of title/logo...

Work in progress 2

Here's the coloured up version as far as it goes...

Some work in progress...

For no other reason than to make me feel as though I'm doing something here's a bit more work in progress from my colour strip. Title page, in fact - basic underdrawing/prelim.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Would you believe it...

... a page in a day! here's p2. The Epic is marginally less Epic... hurrah!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

New Strip and some Medieval Mayhem...

Progress is indeed slow. Especially when you keep going off on tangents! Running this in parallel with the colour stuff - different strip, same ol' theme. Let's see how we get on...